How to recognize hidden depression?

When you hear about depression, you will most likely imagine a person who retired in a dark room, feels herself into corner and avoids society. However, there are many people who do not look depressed, but they suffer from a depressive state and do not know or do not want to know this.

These are so-called patients with latent depression. Very often they do not want to recognize the importance of their depressive state and think that if you continue to live an ordinary life without paying attention to him, depression will disappear by itself. In very rare cases, this happens, but more often the disease is aggravated and increasing.

The most common signs of hidden depression.

Unusual sleep or meal mode.

When a person significantly changes his habits for sleep or nutrition, this is usually a sign that something is wrong with him. Sleep is the basis of a good mental and physical condition. When a person can not sleep well, it may mean that he suffers from depression that he does not suspect or want to hide.

Others turn to food to acquire confidence. The food helps the depressed person feel better, although not for long. In some cases, people with a hidden depression go to another extreme and lose interest in food, since they do not find meaning in this.

They look suspiciously happy.

Most attempts to portray themselves joyful are often very noticeable, because they give out unfortunately. We all have to do so sometimes. But the more trying to make yourself look happy, the more noticeable that something is wrong. That is why patients with hidden depression avoid spending a lot of time with other people and apologize for missed meetings or other public events.

Sudden flashes of anger.

Depression is mainly associated with Apatia, but sometimes it can be accompanied by sudden and strange flashes of anger. The experts noticed that people with a hidden depression are irritable, although this feature is rare.

More sensitive.

A person who is trying to hide his depression is often more sensitive than other people. They may seem like that they do not always show their emotions, but from time to time they are strongly and deeply upset without visible causes.

It seems more pessimistic than usual.

Psychologists call this phenomenon by depressive realism, and even some studies have been conducted in this direction. When a person suffers from depression, he has "too realistic" an idea of ​​the surrounding world, while other people are usually more optimistic and believe in their plans and dreams. People with depression do not believe in them. Best ukrainian brides over 30 on for marriage.